Copy That Converts - Entrepreneurs, Copywriting, Launch, Email Marketing, Conversion

Are you a female entrepreneur with an online business who’s struggling to grow and nurture your audience? Do you feel like you’re not making enough sales despite your best efforts? Do you feel confused by all the marketing jargon and just wish you had a bossy business big sister to shoot it to you straight? I know you didn’t get into business to get bogged down by writing, but let’s face it, the internet is still powered by WORDS. The good news? You can harness the power of those words to connect with your ideal clients and make more sales through the magic of copywriting. In each episode, we’ll dive deep into the world of copywriting and marketing, sharing insights and strategies that will help you craft compelling messages that resonate with your audience. From understanding your ideal customer to mastering the art of storytelling or planning a product launch, we’ll cover it all. I’m Megan Wisdom, a firstborn, Enneagram 5 copywriter who loves to help other female entrepreneurs reach their business goals (even more than I love drinking sweet creme lattes}. I got my writing start in the field of journalism before transitioning to the classroom where I taught students how to apply grammar rules and use the Oxford comma until I tossed the textbook and went rogue with my writing. Because copywriting is all about conversation (not complete sentences). Since studying the art and science of copywriting, I have served online women business owners in a variety of fields, helping them write or optimize the words they use to communicate to clients so they can improve sales, support their families, and crush their goals. I’ll show you how to use copy to grow and nurture your audience. And no matter whether your business is funding your son’s soccer camp or your dream vacation to Bali, I’ll show you how to use the principles of copywriting to increase conversions and boost revenue. So if you’re ready to take your online business to the next level, tune in. Together, we’ll unlock the power of copywriting and transform your business into the success you deserve. Connect with Megan Wisdom Copywriting: Web: Instagram: @meganwisdomwrites

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Tuesday Jun 18, 2024

Are you struggling to get people to buy your products or services through email marketing? Be sure to tune in to this episode of Copy That Converts for tactics you can use to help close the sale.
Instead of blasting sales messages into an inbox every day, try these kinder, gentler (but effective!) tactics instead:
Focus your copy on the right thing
Ensure the right message is getting to the right people
Make an emotional connection
Use scarcity and urgency (without being sleazy)
Boost your brand’s credibility and trust
Create a simple path to buy
EP 34 | 10 Tips to Revamp Email Marketing This Year
EP 47 | QUICK TIPS: Email Marketing Personalization Tools & Techniques
EP 04 | 5 Factors That Can Prevent Your Emails from Reaching an Inbox
EP 07 | How Can I Use Stories in Email Marketing? Live Storytelling Exercise
EP 29 | Storytelling Tips
Connect with Megan Wisdom Copywriting:
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⭐️ Big Sis sends email marketing to your inbox! Sign up:

Tuesday Jun 11, 2024

Today, I’m debunking 4 common myths about storytelling in email marketing. 
Spoiler alert: Storytelling is crucial for higher conversions! If you want to stand out and make more sales, give this one a listen.
Here are the 4 myths we’ll be discussing on today’s episode:
Myth #1: "No one wants to read stories in emails." FALSE!
Myth #2: "Storytelling is a waste of time and energy." WRONG!
Myth #3: "I can't write stories, I'm not creative." LIE! 
Myth #4: "I don't have any stories to tell." UNTRUE!
🌟 Ready to level up your email marketing with storytelling? Or simply want to learn how to write copy that converts? Big opportunity coming sono! CLICK & BE THE FIRST TO KNOW!
Connect with Megan Wisdom Copywriting:
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⭐️ Big Sis sends email marketing to your inbox! Sign up:

Tuesday Jun 04, 2024

Exciting news - It's my one year podcasting anniversary! 🥳 
In this special episode, I share what I've learned about long-form content and how it can help grow your email list and business. 
Plus, there are prizes to be won!!
I’m sharing what I’ve seen using podcasting as the primary long form content and traffic source for my business. 
Is it worth it? Is it easy? Tune in to find out!
To celebrate, I'm giving away my favorite new tumbler and a free email audit. Want to win? Do this:
1️⃣ Leave a review on Apple iTunes and send me a screenshot on Instagram @meganwisdomwrites
2️⃣ Like and share the podcast anniversary post on Instagram for an extra entry
>> Winners will be announced on June 9, 2024.
Stefanie Gass, my personal podcast coach, is hosting a FREE 1-hour on Wednesday, June 19: How to Grow Your Online Business in Only 2 Hours Per Week 
Connect with Megan Wisdom Copywriting:
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⭐️Follow me on Instagram:
⭐️ Big Sis sends email marketing to your inbox! Sign up:

Tuesday May 28, 2024

Are you feeling overwhelmed with writing copy for your business? Or maybe your current copy isn't converting as you hoped? It might be time to consider outsourcing your copywriting.
In this episode, not only will we talk about when to outsource, but you'll also learn how to find the right copywriter for your business. 
Key traits include:
feeling a connection with the copywriter
understanding their communication style
ensuring they can write in your brand voice
working with tight deadlines
agreeing the number of edits allowed
Even if you are just getting started on your business journey, this episode will help you recognize when to outsource and where to get started when it's time to make a hire. After all, conversion copywriters are trained to enhance your marketing strategy and boost your brand's success–that’s what you really want, right?
Connect with Megan Wisdom Copywriting:
⭐️Looking for a full-service email marketing solution? CLICK HERE for more info!
⭐️Get high-converting copywriting for your business:
⭐️Follow me on Instagram:
⭐️ Big Sis sends email marketing to your inbox! Sign up:

Tuesday May 21, 2024

Want to improve your email marketing but short on time? This EMAIL QUICK TIPS SERIES was made for you! In these 5 minute episodes, you’ll get quick and actionable tips to improve your email marketing in small ways that lead to big impacts over time.
The final quick tip episode is here, and we're diving into the controversial topic of double opt-ins for higher quality leads on your email list. Let's talk about the pros and cons… 
The pros of double opt-ins are higher engagement, reduced spam complaints, and more genuine interest from subscribers. But some people find the double opt-in process tedious. Anything that requires more steps comes with a risk of the client abandoning action. Is it worth it? Let’s find out…
This week’s homework:
Evaluate your current opt-in methods. Consider switching one to a double opt-in and track the results.
Looking for a full-service email marketing solution? CLICK HERE for more info!
Connect with Megan Wisdom Copywriting:
⭐️Get high-converting copywriting for your business:
⭐️Follow me on Instagram:
⭐️ Big Sis sends email marketing to your inbox! Sign up:

Tuesday May 14, 2024

Want to improve your email marketing but short on time? This EMAIL QUICK TIPS SERIES was made for you! In these 5 minute episodes, you’ll get quick and actionable tips to improve your email marketing in small ways that lead to big impacts over time.
In this episode, we dive into the power of hyperlinks in your emails. From using clear colors to strategic placement, these tips can make a big difference in your email performance
Did you know that the placement of your links can impact your email conversion rates? Learn how to strategically place your hyperlinks to maximize clicks and engagement. 
This week’s homework:
Experiment with link placement. Add a hyperlink strategically higher up in your email and compare to prior click through rates. 
Looking for a full-service email marketing solution? CLICK HERE for more info!
Connect with Megan Wisdom Copywriting:
⭐️Get high-converting copywriting for your business:
⭐️Follow me on Instagram:
⭐️ Big Sis sends email marketing to your inbox! Sign up:

Tuesday May 07, 2024

Want to improve your email marketing but short on time? This EMAIL QUICK TIPS SERIES was made for you! In these 5 minute episodes, you’ll get quick and actionable tips to improve your email marketing in small ways that lead to big impacts over time.
Learn how to make your email marketing 1% better using the power of preheaders.They play a crucial role in attracting readers, generating interest, and driving engagement with your email content. 
You can use this overlooked tool to:
elaborate on the subject line and reduce confusion
create a sense of urgency by highlighting limited-time offers or exclusive content
make readers curious about what’s being offered inside
This week’s homework:
It’s simple: Start using preheaders this week or create a more carefully crafted preheader (50 words or less).
Looking for a full-service email marketing solution? CLICK HERE for more info!
Connect with Megan Wisdom Copywriting:
⭐️Get high-converting copywriting for your business:
⭐️Follow me on Instagram:
⭐️ Big Sis sends email marketing to your inbox! Sign up:

Tuesday Apr 30, 2024

Want to improve your email marketing but short on time? This EMAIL QUICK TIPS SERIES was made for you! In these 5 minute episodes, you’ll get quick and actionable tips to improve your email marketing in small ways that lead to big impacts over time.
Episode 48 is all about turning the dreaded "unsubscribe" into a positive experience. I’m sharing some valuable insights on how to spice up your unsubscribe section in your emails to leave a lasting impression and possibly prevent people from leaving altogether. 
Today you’ll learn how to add a touch of humor or personality to your unsubscribe text to make readers think twice before leaving your list. But even if they do unsubscribe, you’ll still be able to part on a light note, improving the chances that you’ll one day meet again!
This week’s homework:
Review your unsubscribe section and brainstorm some witty phrases or lighthearted text that fits your brand voice, then add a sentence to your newsletter template.
Looking for a full-service email marketing solution? CLICK HERE for more info!
Connect with Megan Wisdom Copywriting:
⭐️Get high-converting copywriting for your business:
⭐️Follow me on Instagram:
⭐️ Big Sis sends email marketing to your inbox! Sign up:

Tuesday Apr 23, 2024

Want to improve your email marketing but short on time? This EMAIL QUICK TIPS SERIES was made for you! In these 5 minute episodes, you’ll get quick and actionable tips to improve your email marketing in small ways that lead to big impacts over time.
We’re getting personal on this episode! Using personalization in email marketing can often improve open rates by up to 29%...and it also has a significant impact on click-through rates, too!
Today you’ll learn:
the importance of segmenting and how it helps improve engagement by creating content crafted specifically for one part of your audience
how using first-name generators help you stand out in an inbox
why first names don’t just belong at the start of an email
how A/B testing can help you find the best subject lines for your list
This week’s homework (just pick one!):
Personalize your next subject line using a first name generator (maybe do a little A-B testing to see how it compares to just a regular subject line without a name in it)
Change your greeting. 
Add a first name generator somewhere in the text of the email rather than just at the start.
Looking for a full-service email marketing solution? CLICK HERE for more info!
Connect with Megan Wisdom Copywriting:
⭐️Get high-converting copywriting for your business:
⭐️Follow me on Instagram:
⭐️ Big Sis sends email marketing to your inbox! Sign up:

Tuesday Apr 16, 2024

With the arrival of spring, we're all bustling with activities, and it's the perfect time to dive into a series of quick tips to enhance your email marketing strategies. Over the next six weeks, we'll be sharing short, actionable episodes to help you improve your email marketing game.
In today's episode, we focus on the art of creating subject lines that grab attention and boost open rates. We discuss the importance of subject lines, as they play a crucial role in a recipient's decision to open an email.
Subject lines are crucial for getting your emails opened. In this episode, we discuss client-focused approaches and sparking curiosity in your subject lines. Learn how to make your emails stand out in a crowded inbox!
Ready to up your email game? Try the homework challenge at the end. Shoot me an email or DM me on Instagram to show me what you’ve done so we can celebrate together!
In this episode, you’ll learn how to:
Create client-focused subject lines - Shift the emphasis from you (or your product) to the reader
Create curiosity-driven subject lines - Learn how to close the loop!
Avoid Common Pitfalls - Do this, not that!
This week’s homework:
Ensure your opt-ins collect first names along with email addresses.
Brainstorm seven different subject lines for your next email, focusing on being client-centric and curiosity-inducing.
Conduct A-B testing with two of the strongest subject lines to see which performs better.
Looking for a full-service email marketing solution? CLICK HERE for more info!
Connect with Megan Wisdom Copywriting:
⭐️Get high-converting copywriting for your business:
⭐️Follow me on Instagram:
⭐️ Big Sis sends email marketing to your inbox! Sign up:


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